Sunday, December 26, 2010

H1N1 2011

Influenza Vaccine 2010 by MoDHSS

It looks like H1N1 is about to make a severe return, many people are seeing first signs of h1n1 for the 2011 flu season. It doesn’t appear that the strain ever totally disappeared and once the conditions in the Northern Hemisphere were right for it to spread that it and the more usual seasonal flu have returned strongly. Reports from the UK, Canada, and parts of the United States suggest cases of H1N1 and those stats are almost certain to grow in next year. Clearly, this sequence will go on into the foreseeable future: Cases of H1N1 and the normal seasonal flu will rise in the wintertime and slowly fall off in the summer and reoccur during the next extented cold snap. What should you do? This is essentially the same flu pattern that people around the world have dealt with for centuries, so you don’t really need to do a lot different from what you have been doing, BUT


That ought to be your take away from the fact that apparently H1N1 is seemingly going to be part of the regular flu season for the foreseeable future. Take every case of the flu, particularly among children, women who are pregnant, the seniors, and others with debilitating health concerns SERIOUSLY, because what seems like an ordinary case of the seasonal flu could turn out to be H1N1. So, get to the doctor at the initial sign of flu symptoms, because H1N1 usually responds well to treatment when it is caught early.

Potentially, even more significant: WASH YOUR HANDS and follow the other excellent public health methods that we all know about, but often do not follow every single time. Really, this isn’t too difficult. Mostly, preventing a large outbreak of H1N1 in your neighborhood or surviving a bout of H1N1 is simply a matter of everyday logic. So, H1N1 is going to be with us for a while, but there is no reason panic. It is serious, but if you are aware and respond adequately you should be fine. Your mother understood how to deal with the trouble: Wash your hands, cover your mouth when you sneeze, and follow the doctor’s orders.

Get More data about h1n1 symptoms in children check out

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